Unlock and engage
High performance organizations seek high performance leaders
These leaders express a constant focus on where the company is directed and an unrelenting dedication to achieving favorable bottom-line results. They inspire confidence throughout the company by their consistent pursuit of organizational excellence. They are able to create and sustain success by effectively motivating people.
In PfB, we truly support our clients achieve optimal levels of performance, by locating and developing Talent to Leaders across the company. We increase their engagement through in-depth developmental insights that lead to improved leadership effectiveness.
We offer tailor-made services, based on your culture, needs and goals. We use a range of documented and customizable tools with proven credibility, that produce measurable business results.
Our Leadership Development services include:
- business oriented Assessment and Development Centers
- effective Succession Planning, ensuring business continuity

Our approach
A Leadership Assessment and Development Center is a business simulation; with sophisticated tools, we produce measurable results and conclude with positive and constructive feedback for each participant’s future development
Leadership Assessment and Development Centers can help both managers and employees
- Managers understand their employees better – how to motivate and manage them more effectively.
- Employees become more efficient, effective, motivated and focused
Our true value is that we customize our approach and tools to meet clients’ needs; however, a standard Assessment & Development Center usually begins with an initial Competencies Analysis & Customization stage, that gradually leads to final Management Actions.
Succession Planning
Succession planning is the most important way to identify employees who have the skills and competencies –or the potential– to move up in a corporation or on to other positions.
Effective succession planning activities have a positive impact on performance management not only in terms of ensuring business continuity but also in terms of saving money on external recruitment and training, which can be significantly more expensive than promoting from within.
We apply a specific and structured methodology, to build a succession planning strategy:
- We identify critical positions in your company, which may be more than the obvious CxO level
- We identify the profile – skill set and competencies – of the future leader you need, based on your strategy and business goals.
- We locate, measure and assess potential successors vs competency model and skills set, by applying our structured methodology.
- We create a personal development plan (PDP) for each potential successor, with specific actions
We provide structured feedback to successors, through a personal development discussion (PDD). We consult line managers for the profiles of potential successors, to enable them meet their succession planning responsibilities

Stage 1: Competencies Analysis & Customization
This is the stage we aim to understand the competencies to be included in he assessment / development center. Through focused meetings with the Executive Team, the Line Managers and the Human Resources Team we aim to understand your strategic goals in combination with the existing competency model, so as to decide on the core competencies, the way to measure them and the tools to apply.
These will be our benchmark for next stages in order to customize our approach and meet your needs. We only focus on core competences, such as (indicative and not limited to) :
- Customer Focus
- Gets Results
- Leadership
- Capability Development
- Teamwork
- Communication
We support you in communicating the Assessment / Development Center internally, in a way that will not create fuzz or anxiety and moreover will not affect participants’ performance during the process. We provide you with guidance and customized e-mail templates on how to communicate the scope and process to all participants.
Stage 2: DISC³
PeopleKeys® DISC3 is a system built on 25+ years’ experience in the personality analysis industry. There are three primary assessments used in DISC3:
- The first part, DISC profile, identifies the interaction of four factors that affect personality and behavior.
- The second part, VALUES Profile, looks at the underlying and hidden motivators that affect behavior.
- The third part, TEAMS, looks at the way we function and think in a group or team environment.
Stage 3: Assessment Session
This is the stage we aim to understand participants’ current level of competences, in order to produce a clear and specific map. We compare actual ones vs. required per role.
We apply a combination of tools, such as:
- Competence Based Interviewing (CBI)
- Business Cases
- In Trays
- Role Plays
- Presentations
- Self-Assessment
- 360°
Stage 4: Reports
We produce specific reports for each candidate, including:
- Professional Personality Analysis
- Competencies Analysis
- Key Strong Points
- Development Areas
- Development Proposals
- Role Fit
On top of that, we deliver a key findings executive summary.
Stage 6: Personal Development Discussion
We conduct a Personal Development Discussion (PDD) with each participant, based on the results of the development center in order to dig deep in the development insight of each one. It is about a focused meeting with each participant to give them a structured feedback on their performance during the Assessment / Development Center and highlight key areas for development.
We aim to reach a consensus for each participant’s performance and developmental needs and not to leave any blind-spots or questions unanswered; we aim to keep them motivated to work harder and smarter in order to improve.
Stage 5: Feedback to Executive Team
We provide a focused feedback to the Executive Team, to discuss the key findings, the results for each participant and our proposals for development. During this stage, it is also important to agree upon the context and content of the next and final stage, the Personal Development Discussion (PDD) with each participant.